Sunday, December 6, 2009

Lenore Becker Testimony

Rags To Riches

Lenore Becker was a single mom most of her life. She raised two boys to adulthood and worked in the health care industry for thirty years. Then she thought she found financial freedom with her own home based business, but after another 8 years of slugging it out she realized that it was not all that she had hoped. When she was invited out to see BIM for the first time, she was seriously not interested. If she could have left, she would have. She sat stuck in the front row doodling on a piece of paper wishing the meeting would end. But then they started talking about $100 000 and she knew that she had missed something. In fact, she had been hoping and praying for an opportunity for 40 years and suddenly she realized that this might be it and maybe she missed it. So Lenore came back the very next night with her calculator in her hand to do the math and check the numbers. After she was sure the numbers were right she was “IN.” But she still had one big problem. Lenore had no money.

At that time there was only the large program and no Crazy 8 system, so now she really was stuck. How would she get the money? She decided to suck it up and ask her significant other for the money. He did not say yes easily. In fact, she had to get him to call the mutual friend who had invited her out to the meeting. In the end though he not only gave her the money, but asked her to put him in as well. He became her first key and she made her first $5000. Lenore went to pay day and within four weeks paid him back and had thousands of dollars of cash in her pockets. Over the next six months she made over $100 000, just like they promised on the screen that first night!

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