Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I am considering BIM but I am concerned about what other people will say or think. What if those who are close to me do not understand?

When people are close to us then their opinion does matter to us. But first of all we need to determine who is it that is being negative here? Is it someone who we need to pay attention to? Does this person pay my bills? Do I have to live with this person? If the answer to those questions is “no”, then why would we listen to them at all? It is time for us to get some thicker skin and realize that not everyone is going to understand. But just because they differ in their opinion why would I let them steal my dream? I am the one who I have to face in the mirror each day. If it is honest, legal, and moral, and I have an opportunity to do something great for myself, my family and the ones that I love, why would I let anyone keep me from it?

Now if it is my spouse, that is a different matter. A marriage is a precious and sacred thing. You need to honor your spouse. So the first thing is you need to follow the first rule. Don’t tell them anything! Tell them “Honey, I saw something and it was really unique. I would really appreciate your opinion, but I need you to come and see it first before you give me your opinion.” This gives your spouse the opportunity to make an informed decision and they can see it free from your biases. You are giving them the same chance that you had.

If you already blew it by saying too much, well now you have your work cut out for you. But don’t let them steal the dream that has began to grow inside you again. Just tell them, “Honey, I love you. I need you to come and look at this and then we can talk about it after.”

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree, and it is always best to have a husband and wife come and see the presentation at the same time.

    Some people try to compare this to other business opportunities, but there is no comparision. Other opportunities start at the bottom and feed the top, but in this YOU make the money instead of the person at the top. It is not a CEO who makes the money.

    Now with the new videos, even distance won't stop people from doing this. Now the presentation will come directly to the people who need it most. There are no longer any reasons why a person would not want to do this, no matter where they live. What an awesome business!
