Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Is the internet a valid source of information?

The superhighway of the internet runs both ways. It can be an excellent tool to research a variety of topics. However, one needs to realize that it is a free method of posting information and therefore anyone can say anything they want with little restriction. If we have the mentality that whatever is in print is true, then we may need to reassess our thought processes.

The fact is that we can find positive and negative information on any given topic posted on the internet. For example I just looked up Wal-Mart. There are over 6 million postings for that one company. Many are positive and they come up first. Why? Because if you have the cash and you make it a priority you can pay to have your advertising or your opinions come up first. Wal-Mart has lots of money, and they choose to spend some of it there. So the positive stuff comes up first. The negative stuff comes up much later, but it is there all the same. Hundreds of sites and postings making all kinds of complaints against the company. Are they right? Well they think they are, and that is all that matters.

Who is posting the negative material on Business In Motion? Do your homework here. Over 70% of all the negative internet postings can be traced back to one individual. Either directly or indirectly one person, with a vendetta and a few connections has created a whole lot of issues over nothing. 20% of the postings are now being created by two other individuals from the Calgary area. Directly or indirectly it matters little.

The internet is the bathroom wall of the universe. “I love Wal-Mart” is posted right next to “Wal-Mart Bights!” So check out who is saying what, and what is their motivation.

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