Sunday, December 6, 2009


Welcome to our blog! The Greater Calgary Mentoring Center is your center for training and mentoring in Southern Alberta. We take your success seriously and therefore we offer training and encouragement to distributors from here and around the country.

Our center is located at 2915 21 Street NE Calgary in Bay 103. We usually have training Monday through Thursdays at 5:30 and again Saturdays at 4:00, as well as presentations Mondays through Thursday at 7:00 and Saturdays at 1:00. Holidays and bad weather can sometimes change things so check by calling Kerry at 403-818-6467. You are always welcome to come down to our center for any posted events.

Also if you would like to know more specifically what is being trained on which days, you can ask to be added to our email list for updates. The emails are sent out each week and keep you in the loop about special events as well as give you needed information and training. Just email us at and ask to be added.

We have built this blog to have a place to answer some questions that people sometimes have about our company or about our center. It is meant to be used as a place where distributors can share about their experiences and the joys of BIMMING as well as their personal testimonies. We hope that it is a useful tool for you as you build your business and that your time here is a blessing for you.

Lenore Becker Testimony

Rags To Riches

Lenore Becker was a single mom most of her life. She raised two boys to adulthood and worked in the health care industry for thirty years. Then she thought she found financial freedom with her own home based business, but after another 8 years of slugging it out she realized that it was not all that she had hoped. When she was invited out to see BIM for the first time, she was seriously not interested. If she could have left, she would have. She sat stuck in the front row doodling on a piece of paper wishing the meeting would end. But then they started talking about $100 000 and she knew that she had missed something. In fact, she had been hoping and praying for an opportunity for 40 years and suddenly she realized that this might be it and maybe she missed it. So Lenore came back the very next night with her calculator in her hand to do the math and check the numbers. After she was sure the numbers were right she was “IN.” But she still had one big problem. Lenore had no money.

At that time there was only the large program and no Crazy 8 system, so now she really was stuck. How would she get the money? She decided to suck it up and ask her significant other for the money. He did not say yes easily. In fact, she had to get him to call the mutual friend who had invited her out to the meeting. In the end though he not only gave her the money, but asked her to put him in as well. He became her first key and she made her first $5000. Lenore went to pay day and within four weeks paid him back and had thousands of dollars of cash in her pockets. Over the next six months she made over $100 000, just like they promised on the screen that first night!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Doug and Stephanie Testimony

One year ago from today as I write this note, December 3, 2008, Stephanie and I joined Business in Motion (BIM). It is so exciting to be able to say after one year in this business – we made the right decision! Why? Because this business system works! We have experienced both the products of this company and the incredible compensation that BIM promises.

When we joined the business in December of 2008, we joined at what most would consider a ‘bad time’ because of the holiday season. Who would want to take time to see a business opportunity in one of the busiest times of the year when people are so busy spending money on other 'things'?

As with everything in life, Stephanie and I think outside of the box and don’t listen to what the rest of the mainstream of life is doing – especially if it's not working! With this venture, we treated ourselves with our own Christmas gift and jumped in with both feet. That's right: we chose to commit to our dreams anyway, and do what it takes to make them a reality! And, one of the greatest joys of this business has been to help others achieve THEIR dreams as well.

Thank you BIM for allowing us to be that much closer to our life purpose.


Marketplace appears to be Canada’s watchdog. Wendy Mesley seems to represent Canadians as she goes out investigating various consumer issues throughout the nation. She is cute and spunky and well researched. This is award-winning journalism at it’s finest. What most people do not realize however, is that to win that many awards one must continually be in the hunt, and if the hunt gets lame, one must stir up some action.

The fact is, as a result of high demand that Marketplace is our very own television version of the National Enquirer. Only it is even better for journalists in Canada because they can’t get sued for what they say. Due to this protection Marketplace has harassed several businesses and stolen the dreams of numerous distributors from multitudes of companies. Single mothers who had invested time and energy into Free Life Gogi Juice, and charity workers who were involved in Manatech have their own version of what happened when Wendy Mesley showed up to “expose” their companies and offer up some free bad press.

The fact is that all of the above mentioned companies are legal, morally sound and offering an opportunity to people who would not have had an opportunity any other way. None of these companies have been shut down by the government and in fact each of them continues to offer their products and services and to bring average Canadians out of poverty every year.

When Wendy warns consumers about loosing money in what she has labeled a “scheme” what she is really doing is destroying somebody’s business in order to stay in business herself. When they interviewed Dr. Earl Mindell of Free Life Gogi Juice they showed up unannounced and caught him on his doorstep. They intentionally aggravated him and then ran that as part of their footage. Manatech also has bore the brunt of CBC deceitful interview process. When their CEO Sam Caster willingly participated in an interview it was later cut and pasted to make them appear to be selling some kind of snake oil and claiming cures for things they had never claimed a cure for. Manatech to this day has been fighting to come back for their market share that was deliberately stolen from them by sensationalist journalism.

So are we surprised that Business In Motion was a recent target of Marketplace? No. Not at all. In fact, we are delighted. It means that we have made a significant impact on the market and we have been noticed by the television tabloids. We need to thank them for the free publicity.

Marketplace was true to form when they interviewed Alan Kippax of BIM. They interviewed him for well over an hour on tape but yet managed to edit out all of the exemplary things he had to share and only show him in about two minutes of footage that was taken out of context. The “expert” that was interviewed in connection with the travel industry was highly motivated by his desire to line his own pockets, and has a personal history of animosity towards Mr. Kippax. It was very nice for Marketplace that they found such an individual. Too bad they did not ask what his motive was.

If you would like the rest of the story about CBC Marketplace check out this 3 part YouTube video that gives an explanation from the other side. Before a jury comes to a conclusion they are required to examine the evidence from both the accuser and the accused. So have a look at both sides of this story and then YOU decide.

To get the facts go to Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Another enlightening piece of evidence can be listened to by conference call. Just dial 1-218-844-0951. The pin number is 249249#

Is the internet a valid source of information?

The superhighway of the internet runs both ways. It can be an excellent tool to research a variety of topics. However, one needs to realize that it is a free method of posting information and therefore anyone can say anything they want with little restriction. If we have the mentality that whatever is in print is true, then we may need to reassess our thought processes.

The fact is that we can find positive and negative information on any given topic posted on the internet. For example I just looked up Wal-Mart. There are over 6 million postings for that one company. Many are positive and they come up first. Why? Because if you have the cash and you make it a priority you can pay to have your advertising or your opinions come up first. Wal-Mart has lots of money, and they choose to spend some of it there. So the positive stuff comes up first. The negative stuff comes up much later, but it is there all the same. Hundreds of sites and postings making all kinds of complaints against the company. Are they right? Well they think they are, and that is all that matters.

Who is posting the negative material on Business In Motion? Do your homework here. Over 70% of all the negative internet postings can be traced back to one individual. Either directly or indirectly one person, with a vendetta and a few connections has created a whole lot of issues over nothing. 20% of the postings are now being created by two other individuals from the Calgary area. Directly or indirectly it matters little.

The internet is the bathroom wall of the universe. “I love Wal-Mart” is posted right next to “Wal-Mart Bights!” So check out who is saying what, and what is their motivation.

I am considering BIM but I am concerned about what other people will say or think. What if those who are close to me do not understand?

When people are close to us then their opinion does matter to us. But first of all we need to determine who is it that is being negative here? Is it someone who we need to pay attention to? Does this person pay my bills? Do I have to live with this person? If the answer to those questions is “no”, then why would we listen to them at all? It is time for us to get some thicker skin and realize that not everyone is going to understand. But just because they differ in their opinion why would I let them steal my dream? I am the one who I have to face in the mirror each day. If it is honest, legal, and moral, and I have an opportunity to do something great for myself, my family and the ones that I love, why would I let anyone keep me from it?

Now if it is my spouse, that is a different matter. A marriage is a precious and sacred thing. You need to honor your spouse. So the first thing is you need to follow the first rule. Don’t tell them anything! Tell them “Honey, I saw something and it was really unique. I would really appreciate your opinion, but I need you to come and see it first before you give me your opinion.” This gives your spouse the opportunity to make an informed decision and they can see it free from your biases. You are giving them the same chance that you had.

If you already blew it by saying too much, well now you have your work cut out for you. But don’t let them steal the dream that has began to grow inside you again. Just tell them, “Honey, I love you. I need you to come and look at this and then we can talk about it after.”

Are the Ultra Life packages as good as they say they are?

If you go to any mentoring center across the country you are going to find very excited distributors with their own stories of trips that they have taken and what the prices were like. Many of them are previous timeshare owners that have sold their timeshares or at least now wonder why they ever got one.

There are many great deals with the UltraLife Club that come up every day. With over 150 000 locations they rotate regularly. Therefore what you see today may not have been there yesterday. As soon as you see something you like in the location you want and in the right time frame you are going to want to move on it right away.

Another thing that you need to consider is how many people you are taking with you. The travel industry is very competitive right now in these economic times. So your travel agent may be able to get you a fairly good deal for 3 days in Mexico by yourself. However, when you begin to add in 1 or 4 more family members you will find your good deal quickly disintegrating. The condos section with the Ultra Life club will over and over again beat the competition bloody. You can take up to 8 family members with you to a 5 star resort for anywhere from $199 -$799 for an entire week. Who can compete with that? These are in locations in Banff, the Rocky Mountains, Chateaus in Europe, 5 Star Resorts in Vegas, and literally all over the world.

Again you need to do your homework. Don’t go ask the travel agent who wants to sell you their own travel package about how good the UltraLife Club is. Go ask someone who has used it and been there. What did they think?